Kyzylorda Hotels and hostels :: Nomad Palace Hotel |
Nomad Palace Hotel
Address: Kyzylorda, Zhibek Zholy St., 80
How to get here
Dear Kyzylorda residents and guests of our city, the best hotel of the city invites you!
Prices and cost of services and accommodation
Price 2023
Junior Suite - 20,000 KZT a day, 13,000 KZT half a day
Business room - 26,000 KZT a day, 13,000 KZT half a day
Luxury - 36,000 KZT a day, 20,000 KZT half a day
Book a room in this hotel
Additional services
Wi-Fi, breakfast is included. Conference room for 30-40 people, a non-stop restaurant for 90 people and a lobby bar, a VIP cabin for 30-35 people, a summer terrace. In the next building there is a tokhana for 500 people, a lounge bar, a karaoke, a hookah, a VIP lounge
Conveniences in the rooms
one double bed, bathroom accessories, furniture, room service, minibar, TV
Meeting at the airport, the railroad station, bus station
есть, платно. В одно направление - 1500 тг (ж/д вокзал), 4000 тг (аэропорт)
Checkout time
Payment method
наличные, безнал, карточки