Pavlodar taxi

Region Taxi
Taxi call phone number
+7(7182)505 050+7(7182)300 000+7(7182)33 39 39+7(7182)65 55 55+7(7182)55-05-05+7(7182)550-550+7(7182)33 44 45+7(7182)505 050, +7(7182)300 000, +7(7182)33 39 39, +7(7182)65 55 55, +7(7182)55-05-05, +7(7182)550-550, +7(7182)33 44 45

Maxim Taxi



Taxi call phone number
+7 (7182) 777-555+7 (7182) 777-555
Lyubimoe Taxi
Taxi call phone number
+7(7182)320-202+7(7182)78 78 78+7(7182)320-202, +7(7182)78 78 78

inDriver Taxi

Taxi Region

Taxi call phone number
+7701-555-55-55+7701-014-14-14+7 7182 777 777+7 776 34 344 34+7 707 230 26 55+7 701 751 56 51+7701-555-55-55, +7701-014-14-14, +7 7182 777 777, +7 776 34 344 34, +7 707 230 26 55, +7 701 751 56 51

Yandex Taxi

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