Shymkent taxi

Maxim Taxi


Taxi call phone number
+7(7252) 600-000+7(7252) 600-000
Mercedes Taxi
Taxi call phone number
+7 776 666 66 48+7 776 666 66 48

inDriver Taxi

Region Taxi

Taxi call phone number
+7 701-355-55-55+7 701-555-55-55+7 7252 35 35 35+7 701-355-55-55, +7 701-555-55-55, +7 7252 35 35 35
City Taxi
Taxi call phone number
+7 7252 33 33 33+7 701 448 22 22+7 776 448 22 22+7 7252 444444+7 7252 33 33 33, +7 701 448 22 22, +7 776 448 22 22, +7 7252 444444

Yandex Taxi

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